Have started playing with my latest mosaic. It has quickly become apparent that I have a lot of tile cutting to do. Sigh. I don’t love cutting tiles; I’m not the best at it. By the time I’m finished this Roman Knot though, I should be a pro.
These brown and white tiles need to be cut into 4 square pieces. I’ve tried a couple already and the result so far is two triangles, three rectangles, some obtuse bits and one good square. Better get to work.
Now here it is your moment of mosaic. A Roman mosaic from Bern, Switzerland with Roman knots in two corners.
Another fancier Roman knot created in the 2nd century AD as part of a dining room floor in Bignor Roman villa near Chichester, UK.
A real showoff mosaic maker created this knot on the left from a Roman villa near Arles, France.