Tesserae of Travels Through Life - Words, photos and moments of mosaics.


Day 12 – I can’t think of anything to write tonight.

I spent the evening scanning some old photos into the computer. Some were 91 years old. I took them from my mom’s yesterday. Since I’ve been spending a lot of time scanning my dad’s old slides into the computer to preserve them, I thought I should do the photos as well.

Kate & Alice Malcolm, Aunt Ethelwynne Houghton, Catherine Malcolm, Mabel Malcolm & Bob, Ethel, Florence

This photo is from 1923. My dad is the littlest child holding his nose. The woman second from the right in dark clothing is my great-grandmother from the Shetland Islands (mentioned in a post last week about Vikings).

I’ve discovered that there were actually a lot more photos of me as a child than I thought there were. Some I can’t remember ever seeing before. I used to joke that, as the fourth child, I had to crawl into the scene just to have my photo taken. I thought I was the original photo-bomber.

Gayle & Dad
I’m the little blue leprechaun between my sister and my dad.

Turns out this wasn’t true and I have to apologize to my younger sister, the fifth child, because there really aren’t many photos of her as a child.

Seeing myself as a child has me rethinking the story I tell myself about my childhood. Memory is such a funny thing and the things we tell ourselves about our past may have become distorted over the years. When I’ve finished scanning, I’m going to have a good look at those photos of me and discover what she has to tell me.

Now here it is your moment of mosaic. A second century AD mosaic from the Vatican Museums. I love the flounce around the picture.

Bowl of Pears
Bowl of Pears


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